Bank transfer
Create an order and choose payment method - bank transfer. After, log in to your online account and select the option for making a payment.
Create a new payment and send necessary amount on bank account below.
IBAN: CZ7020600000000001180584
Bank: Citfin, sporitelni druzstvo
Radlicka 751/113e, 158 00 Praha 5 – Jinonice
*IBAN (International Bank Account Number) - is a standardised method for recording bank account numbers. It has a fixed length in each country. It consists of a two-letter country code, a two-figure control digit and a national account number.
*BIC (Bank Identifier Code) - is the code that enables the unique identification of every bank in the world. It is not mandatory to enter the BIC of the beneficiary's bank when making a SEPA transfer.
⚠️ Please, always add your order number to the variable symbol !!!
Sending money in euro (SEPA) lets you make payments in the same way, anywhere in the Single European Payment Area (SEPA). Click here to find the list of SEPA countries.
What is SEPA payment?
SEPA (or the Single Euro Payments Area) is the new format for cross-border euro (EUR) bank transfers. SEPA aims to make cross-border EUR transfers within this area equivalent to a domestic transfer within your own country.
SEPA is made up of the Eurozone, countries within the EU and a few other countries which also support EUR bank transfers. The full list can be found here.
But your EUR account is in another country?Per EU regulations, transfers between bank accounts in two different SEPA countries shouldn’t cost any more than a regular, local transfer. Some banks, mostly Italian or Spanish, will still find ways to charge you extra. So, you can try paying for your transfers a different way — for example, by debit card.
Once your bank sends the bank transfer, your money should arrive to us within 1–2 working days once your bank has confirmed the transfer.
Transaction cost
Your bank must charge you the same rate for payments in euro across the EU as it does for equivalent national transactions.This includes any:
⬤ transfers between bank accounts in different EU countries
⬤ withdrawals from cash machines/ATMs in EU countries
⬤ payments by debit or credit card across the EU
⬤ direct debit transactions
Banks based in EU countries outside the euro area must also apply this rule, and may not charge more for a payment in euros to/within another EU country than they do for a domestic payment in the national currency.
⚠️ Credit and debit cards issued by three party schemes (such as American Express and Diners Club), and business or corporate credit cards, where your employer is billed instead of you, are not covered by EU rules on payment services, and you can still be charged extra for using these cards.