Air conditioning for indoor growing
Air Conditioning
⬤ When it comes to growing plants indoors - air is one of the three factors that affect the growth of plants the most. All plants react differently towards cold or hot temperatures - depending on the climate that they are from originally. Some plants are perfectly adapted to hot and humid climates, whereas others are ideally suited towards cold and dry climates.
⬤ Depending on your crop, you’ll need to adjust the climate to ensure that your plants are growing to the best of their ability. This is why it’s absolutely necessary that you find the best ventilation and fans that the hydroponic industry has to offer. We carry the most trusted fan brands and accessories imaginable so you can optimize your grow room.
⬤ Furthermore, we understand that certain crops exude pungent aromas that may be offensive to others. This is why we offer an extensive selection of odor control products and carbon filters that get rid of unwanted smells. When you need the utmost discretion - look no further than our carbon filters and odor neutralization products.
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Carbon filters
Circulation and Clip Fans
Odor Neutralisation
Fan Regulations
CO2 Control
Ventilation Accessories